Houston Business Journal: Houston's Coolest Offices

The Houston Business Journal (HBJ) just selected Page as one of the coolest offices in the city. That's no small feat considering that Houston is the fourth-largest city in the United States and home to more Fortune 500 headquarters than any other city except New York. Click through to see our gallery of images and you'll understand why HBJ thinks Page has a cool office.

In the early 2000s, John Cryer had such confidence in the downtown area’s potential to again be the hub for Houston’s corporate community that he relocated Page’s offices there years before most other large design firms moved to the central business district. Page's restoration of historic commercial and residential buildings in the central business district and the firm's subsequent move downtown were catalysts for the eventual revitalization of the area. 

The firm’s innovative design in a seven-story commercial atrium was subsequently featured in Tree of Life, a Terence Malick film starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, and has even served as a performance space. If you find yourself at 1100 Louisiana, stop by to check us out.  
