Expanding Horizons: Introducing The AIA Global Practices Primer

Global practice is quickly becoming the path forward for architects, but working internationally requires very specific information and strategies. Sharing experiences with those practices is the surest way to help others also succeed, and several architects have now made it easier for colleagues to access their expertise.

James Wright, FAIA, has spent more than 40 years building successful relationships with clients around the globe. He serves as 2016-2017 President of the AIA International Region (IR) Chapter, and is one of several authors of the new AIA Global Practices Primer. It provides insights and advice on a wide range of topics from international business development and marketing, legal structure and responsibilities, project delivery and technology, cultural adaptation and expatriate adaptability to professional development.

The creation of the Primer was led by the International Practice Committee with support from the International Region. It was introduced to AIA members early in 2017 with a launch announcement followed up by chapter-specific promotional activities such as the AIA Seattle communication to its members in context of its own International Practice Committee update.

The content of the Primer has significant long-term value as the architectural profession becomes increasingly global. It is the organic result of the growth of the discussion of sustainability and resiliency in international circles. The work of AIA beyond the U.S. borders benefits all architects and provides all members, regardless of their country of practice, with an invaluable network and community.   

To view the AIA Global Practices Primer, click here.
