Diana Su Recognized for Elevating Architecture

We’re pleased to announce that AIA Austin has recognized Diana Su with its 2019 Emerging Professional Achievement Award. The award recognizes professional achievement and leadership by architects who are in their first 10 years of practice after licensure.

As a valued member of our team, Diana consistently pursues excellence in her project work while also striving to elevate the profession. She was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the AIA Austin Leadership Collective, which has already successfully graduated one class of emerging design leaders. “In every aspect of its design, this program seeks to make leadership not just a buzzword reserved for a select few,” emphasizes Diana. “Leadership is something tangible that is accessible to anyone who believes in change and is rooted in empathy, respect and community.”

Diana is also dedicated to bringing design to the larger community. Her notable work at Blackshear Elementary transformed the campus while also engaging and empowering the local community. Diana’s dedication resulted in the creation of a mural, completed in partnership with Art Alliance Austin, local artists and Blackshear Elementary. She also spearheaded a plan for a new campus design including numerous new trees for shade, outdoor student learning areas, and a proposed outdoor amphitheater for students to showcase their theatrical productions. Austin Independent School District Executive Director of Elementary Schools Betty Jenkins explains Diana’s extensive work at Blackshear and its lasting impact:

“Her collaborative work involved all stakeholders at the campus. However, her work with our young Blackshear students is one of the most resonating memories of my time at the campus. Ms. Su and the students shared creative ideas to complete new educational areas. When this work was completed, students felt empowered that their seemingly simple ideas could foment into pragmatic and powerful areas of learning. The excitement that her work generated at the Blackshear campus will be evident for decades.”

Diana’s efforts to promote the value of design and how it makes lives better is exemplary and we are very proud of her. Congratulations, Diana!
