Designing Community Engagement: Nuit Blanche

All free. All ages. All welcome. The City of Houston has a vision for creating a community-wide event that transforms downtown into a gigantic work of art. Page is helping to make that a reality through financial support of the festival and joint sponsorship with Steelcase of the interactive, architecture-related installation Space Chain that anyone can help put together.

Festival Nuit Blanche is an international annual contemporary art event that inaugurated in Paris in 2002. It has had iterations in major cities throughout the world such as Toronto, Montreal and Singapore. Thanks to the enthusiasm and support of the local arts, cultural and business communities, Houston’s first Nuit Blanche will take place on, April 6, 2019. In addition to introducing some residents to new, creative perspectives it also draws media and tourists. 

For more information, watch the video below and visit the Nuit Blanche Houston website here
