Design of The New Workplace

“Work” is increasingly becoming more of an activity than a location as its nature – and the people performing it – change with time. A group of Page experts on workplace design just shared their insights in a panel discussion moderated by Metropolis Magazine, a national publication that examines contemporary life through design, architecture, interior design and more.

Susan Szenasy, editor at Metropolis, initiated the discussion by sharing her own anecdotal insights into how the act of work is evolving, which affects where people work. Our panelists explained to the audience that the most flexible and adaptable elements in a workplace are the people who do the work.

The discussion included comments from the audience, made up of architects, designers, consultants, clients, users and service providers. It touched on topics ranging from the influence of technological evolution on how work is conducted, on a shift from work/life balance to work/life blend and how to estimate a return on client investment in redesigning workspaces. 

Page focuses on the “Human Factor” in developing designs of places that support employees’ health and wellbeing, that support the work they do and that contribute to their success. We begin the process in the predesign stage to ensure that both Page and the client themselves fully understand the enterprise’s culture, needs for today and anticipate growth for tomorrow. 

To learn more about Page’s approach to workplace design, please contact any of the five panelists who are linked on the right hand side.
