Cruising Toward Healthier Workplaces

Page has taken an exciting new step in fostering healthy workplaces that clients and competitors alike can follow. The firm is a leader in workplace design with awards for our unique solutions and we have used our own offices as incubator spaces to demonstrate to stakeholders how our designs effectively meet objectives. The latest example is Page bicycles for employee use, which facilitates active workplace objectives.

The custom-branded cruisers in Page colors with the logo prominently positioned on the top tube and chain guard are available for Pagers to use for delivering work documents, running errands, getting coffee from their favorite shop, meeting clients for lunch, etc. It encourages employees to stay physically active throughout the day and also supports the Page commitment to the AIA 2030 Challenge of reducing carbon emissions in our work.

The bicycles and safety helmets were customized for Page by Villy Custom, a Dallas-based custom bike company featured on the 2012 season of Shark Tank that now also counts corporations such as Google, Pepsi, Chipotle, Marriott, etc. among their clients. We're very excited to have yet another opportunity to lead a workplace initiative that can generate measurable results and set examples for other companies. Pager Emily Green demonstrates the bicycles in the below video:

Special thanks goes to Senior Principal Mattia Flabiano of the Page Dallas office for initiating this!
