COVID-19 Update: Prevention / Preparation

At Page, our highest priority is the health, safety and well-being of our employees, their families, our clients, our communities, and those with whom we work. We recognize that concern about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is very high and assure you that we are actively monitoring the situation and taking necessary precautions. Below is a summary of measures that we are implementing to help contain the virus while continuing to meet our clients’ needs.

Currently, we have enacted restrictions on both international and domestic business travel among our employees and are requiring senior leadership approval for travel deemed essential. In addition to our regular cleaning services, we are implementing deep cleaning and disinfecting services at each of our offices on a recurring basis. All employees have been educated about proper virus-related hygiene and social distancing and are being kept up to date on CDC / other government guidance.

Every employee has the ability to work remotely and we have a business continuity plan in place if it becomes necessary to close one or more of our offices. These additional measures have been communicated to all of our employees to assist in promoting a safe and healthy environment:

  • If you are sick or feel you are at high risk, we encourage you to work from home or take personal time off.
  • When working from home, please forward your phone to your mobile device to allow you to respond to our client needs.
  • Please utilize ZOOM video conference for all client meetings when possible. 
  • If you are scheduling an internal team meeting with more than 10 people, please ask employees to join via ZOOM instead.
  • Page has cancelled all educational seminars and vendor presentations until further notice.
  • Other than Senior Principal pre-approved client or consultant meetings, please minimize visiting guests at our offices. Also, restrict Page staff engagement with them to essential employees.
  • We are in the middle of spring break season and many schools are either delaying the start of classes or closing. For consideration of your children and your colleagues, please work from home. 

Page’s most valuable resource is our people. Our core values of creativity, collaboration and commitment do more than define how we deliver our services. They are the mantle of our brand promise: design that makes lives better. We will continue to monitor the evolving status of COVID-19 in each of our communities and will adapt our approach accordingly.
