BD+C Magazine: Creating A Hospitality Experience

Every year, Building Design + Construction (BD+C) Magazine evaluates the state of market sectors in the architecture and engineering industries, ranking firms, evaluating project billings and interviewing experts. Page is consistently one of their architectural and engineering “Top Giants” firms, ranking #11 nationwide in 2018. BD+C Magazine asked Page Principal and Interior Architecture Director Wendy Dunnam Tita for her perspective on the hospitality industry and what currently resonates with guests.

She explains, “Art and architecture are ‘stronger than ever’ in hospitality. One way we achieve this is by creating moments in the space that emphasize art.” As a supporting example, BD+C Magazine cites Page’s work on the innovative boutique Ruby Hotel in Round Rock, Texas which uses art and history rich artifacts to weave in the brand narrative and story of “Ruby”. The project is grounded in an existing mid-century house, which houses a lounge and full-service bar, connected to the exterior spaces with a generous deck and leisurely lawn. Two new buildings for guest rooms nestle beneath a lush canopy of trees. Also incorporating generous exterior social spaces is the firm’s award-winning Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City in Ghana, that has become a de facto extension of the Ghanaian government seat, frequently hosting world leaders.

The psychological influence of art and architecture on a facility’s users has been proven. Page Senior Designer Ray Delgadillo affirms this, explaining, “Guests choosing a boutique hotel are looking for more than a nice place to sleep. They are seeking an immersive experience.” In addition to the Ruby Hotel, Ray also is working on a renovation to Cirque, a luxury residential highrise in Dallas, for which Page initially served as architect of record and design architect for the common and amenity spaces.

Other Page examples of leveraging architecture to create an experience include its 70 Rainey luxury residential highrise in Austin, which recently topped out. Each of the 164 condos will share panoramic views of the Colorado River, the Austin skyline and the Hill Country beyond thanks to an unusual design feature of a twisted base. The street level also will include bars and restaurants to connect residents with the streetscape.

Page provides multiple specialty services in support of hospitality amenities ranging from art consulting to furniture design to branding and wayfinding. To learn more about Page’s Housing / Hospitality market sector work, click here.

To read the article in BD+C Magazine, click here.
