As A Recent Grad, I Value Teamwork

Caleb Marrero is a recent addition to the Page MEP team. He talks about how much he values teamwork as he begins his career after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University.

Why did you choose to work at Page?

My course work at Texas Tech University required me to work with other students to design, develop, and deliver technical projects. Teamwork was such an influential part of my studies, and I wanted to extend that into the workforce. When I first came to Page to interview, I knew very quickly that the electrical engineering group was very focused on teamwork. My interview left me feeling like I was going to be a part of a team and that was very rewarding.

What is it like to work on the Page MEP team?

Being a part of the Page MEP team means everyday there are new project challenges to discover. As team members, we have the unique ability to learn from each other. From the most seasoned engineers to the newest graduates, each team member is able to contribute to a project solution. Each engineering discipline develops its design and collaborates with the team to ensure a comprehensive engineered solution.

What do you recommend recent graduates look for when considering a firm?

Not all engineering firms offer the same experience. Graduates should consider what types of engineering design they are most interested in. Ask about current and past projects. Go visit those locations. Choose a firm that has a long history of working on projects that they would like to have in their portfolios. Do they want to work only with their fellow electrical engineers or do they like multiple discipline design groups? If they are interested in collaboration, ask how team get projects done.

What do you most enjoy about working in the engineering profession/industry?

As I approached my graduation date and was thinking a lot about the kind of engineering I wanted to practice, one of my biggest concerns was finding variety in project types. My career with Page offers me the ability to have diverse engineering design opportunities over a broad range of projects. I enjoy the challenge that each project brings. No single solution works for all designs. Having the ability to develop unique solutions allows me to develop myself as an engineer.

Briefly describe a recent favorite project.

My favorite project required the development of electrical distribution for a multiple building campus. The project required the design to be centered on the entire site, thus being self-sustaining. Power generation was from the onsite power plant. There was a large variety of regulation that the design team had to become proficient with to ensure accurate project design. 
