Architects From Across The Globe To Gather In Toronto

As commerce and society have become increasingly global, so has the American Institute of Architects (AIA) through its International Region (IR) chapter, which encourages the worldwide growth of design excellence in architecture. Today, AIA IR has thousands of members and many of them will gather in Toronto, Canada for the 2016 Conference being held in cooperation with The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada on October 20-23.

This year’s theme, Triangulate In Toronto, reflects the organization’s objective of “locating, connecting, and organizing the global architectural community to inform, inspire and involve” architects living and working around the world. The conference provides multiple forums for practitioners to share their expertise and experiences with issues that only those working internationally encounter such as foreign markets, trade, procurement and practice issues and cross-cultural aspects.

By supporting its global members, AIA IR functions as the connective tissue for architects in diverse countries by increasing public awareness of the profession as a potential career and promoting standards of design excellence worldwide. The annual AIA IR Design Awards, which will be announced during the Triangulate In Toronto Conference, also raise global awareness of quality work around the world beyond the profession itself.

Toronto was selected as the site for this year’s conference because of its role as one of the world’s most cosmopolitan urban settings. Its architecture is influenced by the city’s role as the financial capital of Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario as well as its history and culture. The city features works by some of the world’s most prominent architects, making it a natural choice for an AIA IR conference venue. In fact, the Chief Planner & Executive Director for the City of Toronto has agreed to address the convention audience as well.

Page Senior Principal James M. Wright, AIA, is 2016-2017 President of the International Region and will chair the conference. He is confident attendees will derive great value from the lineup of carefully selected speakers and that the event itself will showcase the increasing importance of the AIA International Region, calling its members “ambassadors to the global profession.”

To view the list of speakers and schedules, please click here. To register for Triangulate In Toronto, please click here
