A Mid-century Modern Masterpiece: Trinity University's Campus Master Plan

The most recent issue of Trinity, The Magazine for Trinity University, focuses on the master plan that Page has developed in support of one of the nation’s leading liberal arts and sciences institutions' 10-year strategic plan called Trinity Tomorrow.

Trinity Tomorrow directs the university to develop a master plan to ensure that future building projects are consistent with the vision and design principles of founding architect O’Neil Ford, the values of a Trinity education, changing campus needs, environmental sustainability, and strategic objectives. Page Senior Principal Larry Speck, who is a member of the master plan project team, had a deep connection with iconic Texas architect Ford.

Page encouraged the university to apply to the National Register of Historic Places to create a historic district for the campus. This would provide several benefits to the campus, such as preserving the cohesive exterior design of its buildings. Establishment of this historic district is central to the new master plan, which pairs the university's mission with its legacy. 

Several elements include:

  • Creating a new wayfinding program to improve navigation of the campus
  • Enhancing a corridor through the core of the campus that will improve pedestrian navigation
  • Redeveloping the university center as the new, central dining facility
  • Adding a ballroom that can be reconfigured to serve as a conference facility
  • Establishing a northern gateway to serve as a new, outward face to visitors 
  • Improving existing student housing and adding new options

To read the articles in Trinity Magazine, click below: 

Honoring the Past, Preparing for the Future
Pursuing A National Historic Designation 
