‘The Museum’ / Maxwell Render Challenge

Back in August 15, 2012, one of our Houston’s office visualization designers, Lawrence Stewart, participated in the visualization competition: ‘The Museum’ / Maxwell Render Challenge. The subject, The New National Gallery museum in Berlin by Mies Van Der Rohe.

Contestants were challenged to showcase the Museum and its surroundings during an event of their choice. The entries needed to display a strong connection between the Virtual Photography and Real Photography worlds, while trying to take advantage of what Maxwell Render has to offer. The entries were judged according to overall accepted standards of architectural visualization, including: composition; 3d modeling; lighting; materials and textures, concept (original approach), addressing the unique design of the Museum, technical skill, emotive value and participation in “Work in Progress” threads.

Please check out the link below to view Lawrence’s full interview video.

Lawrence Interview Video

For more information on this competition, please click on the link below. 

‘The Museum’ / Maxwell Render Challenge

Contributed By

Andy Phan



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